Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Variety Portraits part 2

Here's some more of the portraits from Variety. These were all done on Polaroid's 665

I really enjoyed making this series. It was a bit of an experience.. photographing people on their way to work was really interesting. Some people were into it, others not so much it was really cool to capture new yorkers as they were, in that moment, getting ready to head out and face their day...

check out the rest of the series and larger images here: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000902347820&ref=nf#!/album.php?aid=9111&id=106180332746790&ref=mf

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Variety Portraits part 1

heres a few images from a recent portrait shoot I did at the variety coffee shop in williamsburg brooklyn. This shop sits at graham ave and conselyea ave. and when I lived in the hood, I was there a lot, not only do they have kick ass coffee but rad boardgames, friendly staff (kyle) and very tasty breakfast treats...

the clientele is about as awesome as the place itself, young people on the edge of whats up in the creative world, so I thought, what better place for a portrait series. I shot a lot of portraits, I think close to 30 which is part of a larger marketing push here in nyc and for my printed portfolio..

to see all 11 portraits, please visit this gallery on facebook:


there is more to come and I hope if you are here now, you will stay tuned for more!!!

I hope you enjoy.....